Welcome to the Female Rap Report Community Page.
A small online space dedicated to celebrating and supporting all things Female Hip Hop!
Here, you can connect with other fans, discover new music, and share your love for female hip-hop.
Let us come together and have conversations with respect about the culture as a whole and not just the few big artists that are trending. And let's have fun while doing it.
Join today and help us grow!
Sign up for a free account today to gain access to member-only features, including:
- Your own Facebook-like profile where you can fan out and communicate with other users on the site
- Access to the message forums
- The ability to create and join groups dedicated to your favorite female rap artists and topics
- Create a page to promote your own music
Below are some downloads to get you started with customizing your profile. You are also allowed to use these downloads on your social media such as Twitter/X, Facebook, & more...Just click on your choice - then right click and "save image as"
More downloads here